Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Menu Monday-Green Beans with Bacon.

I know I promised Chicken Curry-but again, I have to work on writing it down and I just simply have not had the time.  I'm going to go with something much simplier, and probably way less healthy.

2 cans of green beans (I use cut green beans, but any kind works)
1/2 pound of bacon

Slice the bacon into bite sized pieces.  Brown in skillet (I prefer to cook in an iron skillet, but anything works).  After the bacon is brown and crisp, add the beans (undrained) to the skillet.  Also, add two cups of water to skillet.  Simmer until the almost all of the water is gone.  There is usually no need to add salt, however, if you're bacon isn't salty enough, you might need to season with a little salt and pepper.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sexy Sunday-Bradley Cooper

I mean, come on.  If he isn't eye candy y'all need to have your eyes checked.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sleepy Saturdays-January 14th, 2012

My recommendation for a lazy afternoon chic flick is:  Anything with Julie Roberts.  :)  I'll just choose one that's fun:

Runaway Bride it is!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Findings-Aunt Katie's Attic

For a few years now, my husband and I have driven by this old barn looking place and they always have these old school metal painted lawn chairs out front, and I always say...Oooo, some day I want to shop there.

A few weeks ago, I had a scheduled meeting with a woman from a shop called Aunt Katie's Attic.  Lucky for me I had GPS!  But, lo and behold, I pulled into the parking lot and there it was, that same house I'd been wanting to stop at.  I had no idea when I arranged to meet her that THAT was the place.  It was a pleasant surprise.

I can't wait to go back!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thirty Thursday-Peppermint Patty.

This is the simplest yummiest warm beverage idea.

Make up your favorite cup of hot cocoa-instant, homemade-doesn't matter, just make sure you leave a little room at the top of the cup.  After it's all nice and hot, add a shot of peppermint schnapps.  Stir.  Top with Rediwhip-or any whipped cream.  If you wanna get all fancy, you can sprinkle chocolate sprinkles or cocoa over the whipped cream and add a candy cane for stirring.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Whimsy Wednesday #2-Luke Lamp Company

I guess I should have named Wednesdays "Etsy Wednesdays", but it just doesn't flow as well.

Here's today's pick-again it's from Etsy.  I LOVE THESE!  The store is called Luke Lamp Company.  He has some of the most amazing stuff.  Go there.  Buy stuff.